This powerful book gives you a behind the scenes look at what it's like to live with the chronic illness, Sickle Cell Anemia. Diagnosed at the tender age of two James faced many daily obstacles and challenges because of his condition but stayed determined not to let it define him. Out of the fear of being judged and looked upon negatively by others, James worked diligently to keep his health a secret and chose never to discuss it openly with anyone. Now with his first published book Breaking Silence: Living With Sickle Cell Anemia, he's done the unthinkable by opening up and revealing all about his illness. As you read this book you will be taken on a personal journey through the life of James as he brings you closer to him by giving you candid stories of his childhood, relationships, and how he's dealt with having sickle cell anemia. His unique style of writing along with the raw and uncut message that he delivers will keep you engaged as a reader. This book is highly recommended for anyone going through their own battles with sickle cell anemia, anyone who knows someone with sickle cell anemia, or anyone who's ever heard of it and wants to learn more about the condition.
"Raising Sickle Cell Awareness One Person At A Time"
“James I am so proud of you for becoming a distinguished author! And in addition, writing about such an important topic that not many people know about. I have known people with sickle cell but your book really helped me to better understand the disease. Your story really helped me get to know you better. You should be extremely proud of your endeavors! Congrats to you!"
May 7, 2015 James was invited to speak at Banner University Medical Center in Phoenix Arizona. There he spoke in front of a crowd of 40 people which included Doctors, Nurses, and other sickle cell patients. He was also on hand as they unveiled plans for a new sickle cell clinic. If you would like to book James as a guest speaker for any upcoming events